Profane limited Sublime thoughts

Our existence is modulated by the tangible barriers of the profane cultural media in which we exist. As much as our desires go beyond the capacity of our conceptions, let alone our deeds, they are the goading reminders to us that we belong to more than this profane plane of linear options. There are dimensional planes that frequently intersect the plane of this channel on which we act, and those planes are of dimensional conceptions unattached to having any relation for how we get-a-long in this plane.

We might as well be in a holding area no better than a corral of one of the slaughterhouses. Our 'slaughterhouse' is a caste of witting or unwitting consciousness. In that slaughterhouse corral we exist within our self-programmed matrix of ideas and aesthetics that comprise our life operating system. It's as much a comfort zone of our conditioned fetishes that provide some transactional coherence for us within our milieu as it is that ultimate caste holding corral of aggregate collated consciousnesses of preconceived determinations.

Then those aforementioned intervening and intersecting planes come along like a bolt of lightning. If we aren't directly hit and have our existence obliterated into some inconceivable annihilated form, we may be "injured, maimed, or traumatized" into a state that unmoors us from our previous assumptions of entitlements and expectational role identities to a momentary self-questioning anomie of 'for what ARE we here' and 'Why has this moment come and chosen Me?'.

That 'bolt of lightning' intervening event introduces You to what You could call a 'rabbit-hole' or a 'worm-hole' passage way to a new collational association of the things you had accepted as organized for a secular, tangible materialism of what was 'ass-u-me'd' was in a historical order in which you are a legacy player of your organic extension within the frame of this time and place in which you find yourself. Yet the wormhole/rabbit-hole reveals an existence where you aren't obliged to the local physics of your locale and time. You could be anywhere in time and even in space.

Your association and union isn't restricted to the coincidental blood relations or the social or cultural roles and relations with others. You ARE a free agent free radical entity, whose own actionable and on-going operational knowledge is projecting you through space (and time), similar to a radio transmission. That transmission is picked up by others, latently or , more consciously. Whether latent or more directly consciously aware of your 'presence', You have indirectly affected their own cognitive field of knowledge-'logos'. Their response to You provides another "lightning bolt" phenomena to expand the network of worm-holes/rabbit-holes into which You may depart the linear agenda of your profane, secularly structured obligations of this 'time-and-place' for the speculative, sublime scenarios of what your soul could choose to be, then having to be within the exoskeleton of the contemporaneous physicality of your gilded caste consciousness.


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