
Showing posts from January, 2019

Joint post: Anecdotal phenomena relevance; Lusty incitements

Joint post: Anecdotal phenomena relevance; Lusty incitements Joint post: Anecdotal phenomena relevance; Lusty incitements PART-I Anecdotal phenomena relevance I have to smile when I hear data experts dismiss anecdotal events such as identity politics protests , or   symbolic exhibitions , and symbolic moments .  Each may be statistical outliers, but to the layperson it represents an  emotional barrier that has been penetrated. With that penetration is the  potential for others to feel, think, or do similar acts. Those acts are  harbingers for what the future can and possible will bring.. As was said  in the gospels in the Book of Matthew : the currents of the moment  reveal the potential of the forces of nature-no matter how anomalous. As the reductionist “experts” try to dissuade and allay the intuitive fears  arising from the organic, gut senses of our tabula rasa, nature-based   instincts;...

And then there was the Daddy's girl..

I have no father. My father died 20 years ago. It for me was very big tragedy. I very long worried because of it. Because my father was very good person. But I do not want to speak about sad. I at me am not present brothers and sisters. I am the only child in family. I never was in marriage. I have no children... Oh... You think so? As you try to put on this brave posturing... at the lake shores , as you show those parted legs, which You'd know I'd part to fill you with my lust as your appeals fall on unsympathetic ears.